โฒ๏ธService / Maintenance Agreement SLA

We have the following AI API service / Maintenance Agreement as follows:

Support Ticket: https://forms.monday.com/forms/a13275c42802eb40971ce508c3ad45d1?r=use1

Help Desk: 0970185578

E-mail: info@iapp.co.th



  • A fatal error which the client is unable to run the business as usual without a solution. The system cannot continue until it has been modified.

  • No other systems supported for temporary service.

  • All systems and / or major systems that are not capable of working properly.

  • Affecting customers or users more than 90%

Within 4 hours

Within 24 hours


  • Errors affect a significant part of business operations. The system can use some services and customers can continue to run their business by using basic workarounds.

  • Have a backup system for temporary service.

  • All systems and / or major systems that are important able to work partially.

  • Affecting customers or users more than 50%

Within 8 hours

Within 1-3 days


  • Errors have a small effect on business operations. The system can use the service continuously and customers can continue to run the business.

  • All systems and / or major systems that are important workable.

  • Affecting customers or users less than 50%

Within 1 day

Within 3-5 days


  • Minor bugs that can be fixed with a deadline. The system can use the service normally and does not affect the business operations.

  • Defects to improve the customer experience of using the service such as the user screen etc.

  • All systems and / or major systems that are important workable.

  • Affecting customers or users less than 5%

Within 3 days

Within 5-7 days

Last updated