API Error Message

Face Verification

Common Error Messages

Status CodeStatus MessageDescription


no route matched with those values.

No route matched with this URL. Please verify again.


the method is not allowed for the requested URL.

The method is not allowed for the requested URL.


file is too large, more than 2 MB.

The size of file is too large more than 2 MB.


file extension is not allowed.

The file extension is not allowed for this URL.

Sample Error **** Messages

    "message": "no route matched with those values."

Specific Error Messages of Client

Status CodeStatus MessageDescription


parameter not found in request.

The parameter not found in this request. Please enter parameter in request.


parameter value is incorrect, please verify again.

The parameter value is incorrect or the value is empty in this request. Please enter the correct value in the parameter of request.


face not found in image.

The face not found in this image for API.


this endpoint for admin only.

The URL is allowed for only admin.


cannot use **** this endpoint in demo.

The URL is not allowed for demo. Please use the company name in 'company' parameter.


no file attached.

No file attached**.**


too many images.

Too many images in the parameter.


image error, unsupported format.

The format of image is not allowed


import file error, unsupported format.

The format of file to import is not allowed. Please import file csv only.

Sample Error **** Messages

    "message": "company not found in request."

Specific Error Messages of Server

Status CodeStatus MessageDescription


the server is busy. Please try again in a few seconds.

The server has client to waiting more than maximum queue length.


long time to process.

The server is processed for a long time.


long time to request.

The client is waiting in the queue for a long time.

Sample Error **** Messages

    "message": "the server is busy. Please try again in a few seconds."

Last updated