API Documentation

Postman Example: https://www.postman.com/collections/06a2d6bc7b391e614e89

Upload an image to perform OCR on a front face of a Thai driver license card.

POST https://api.iapp.co.th/thai-driver-license-ocr

Without photo fields.

Query Parameters

Request Body

    "driving_license_type2": "Detected",
    "driving_license_type6": "Detected",
    "en_country": "Kingdom of Thailand",
    "en_dob": "11 April 1986",
    "en_expiry": "11 April 2025",
    "en_issue": "18 May 2006",
    "en_license_no": "62011235",
    "en_type": "Private Car Driving License",
    "face": "Detected",
    "file_name": "kobkrit_driver_license.jpg",
    "flag": "Detected",
    "id_no": "1101499001212",
    "inference": "0.523",
    "message": "Success",
    "registrar": "นายทะเบียนจังหวัด ปทุมธานี Pathumthani",
    "sign": "Detected",
    "status_code": 200,
    "text_is_white": "Detected",
    "th_country": "ประเทศไทย",
    "th_dob": "11 เมษายน 2529",
    "th_expiry": "11 เมษายน 2568",
    "th_issue": "18 พฤษภาคม 2549",
    "th_license_no": "62011235",
    "th_name": "นาย กอบกฤตย์ วิริยะยุทธกร",
    "th_type": "ใบอนุญาติขับรถยนต์ส่วนบุคคล"

Last updated