Using PHP Composer Package

Now, you can use iApp AI API service with PHP Composer package. It is the api client library for iApp AI API service for PHP.


$ composer require iapp-ai/iapp-php-composer

Note: This environment is using composer.

Example Usages


ini_set("include_path", "iapp-php-composer");
require_once 'iapp-php-composer/module_api.php';

################### API KEY ####################

$object = new api;

$object->apikey("XXX Your API Key XXX");

################### Driver License OCR API ####################

$res = $object->driver_license("media/driver_card.png");

// result:
// object(stdClass)#524 (20) {
// ["en_country"]=>
// string(19) "Kingdom of Thailand"
// ["en_expiry"]=>
// string(13) "26 march 2024"
// ["en_issue"]=>
// string(13) "26 march 2019"
// ["en_name"]=>
// string(16) "mr iapp techlogy"
// ["en_number"]=>
// string(8) "00000000"
// ["face"]=>
// string(0) ""
// ["file_name"]=>
// string(15) "driver_card.png"
// ...


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